
The Latvian Association of Supervisors unites supervisors, supervision students as well as supporters of development of supervision from all professional fields having different experience and educational background.

Vision:  The Latvian Association of Supervisors is a strong, dynamic association of excellent supervisors. The Association is well-known both in Latvia and internationally.

Mission: The Latvian Association of Supervisors provides supervision service of good quality for representatives of various professional branches, by uniting the supervisors and improving their professional competence.

The goals of the The Latvian Association of Supervisors are:

  1. To promote the development of supervision in Latvia;
  2. To promote the implementation of standards for education and practice complying with ANSE (Association of National Organizations for Supervision in Europe - ANSE) (hereafter – ANSE) in Latvia;
  3. To unite the supervisors working in Latvia and to promote the exchange of professional experience.